Other Musings Walking on Ice It is a superior feature of winter to be able to step onto a frozen pond or lake, and we have many of them. It is liberating.
Other Musings Our Town I kept thinking . . . all these people are paying what it costs to buy food for a week to hear what Mr. Wilder can share with them about life . . . . in our small corner of the world.
Other Musings Wood Heat Heating with wood is a complex business . . . one manufacturer described the process as more art than science.
Other Musings Election Day “The price of greatness,” Winston Churchill said, “is responsibility.” He was talking to us.
Other Musings The Pumpkin Period Currently, you may have noticed, we are mired in the Pumpkin Period, characterized by the flavor of pumpkin in almost everything.
Other Musings Fall Within a second of its release from a branch, an acorn falls to earth at the rate of approximately thirty-two feet per second, or about fifty-seven miles per hour. How do I know this? I looked it up on the internet. There was the answer—which has me thinking that
Other Musings Quiet Time I finally went to the trouble of getting a canoe onto on body of water known as Carpenter’s Marsh. Getting there requires four-wheel drive and something to port the canoe, a trailer for instance, or a rack, or, since this is New Hampshire, a pick-up with a bed that
Other Musings Chicken Barbeque . . . nothing says community—or, Old Home Day—like a volunteer fire department and chicken barbeque.
Other Musings Harvest Jitters For us backyard gardeners, this is the time of year we fear most for our crop. It is not like we have a super abundance to go around.
Other Musings Visualizing World Peace Attendees at this year’s [MacDowell] Medal Day, were given white luggage tags and a pen and urged to write our wishes and hang them on fruit trees in the MacDowell Gardens.
Other Musings Summer People The July and August people have arrived, bringing with them their patronage of our stores and their vehicles, requiring me to look both ways before pulling out of the driveway.
Other Musings Good, Quality Thunder The rain had stopped and we sat just to watch and listen as the storm’s slashing furry settled to not much more than a purr.
Other Musings A Sensitive Time Those are things you must get used to in New England, learning to be a tough tomato.
Other Musings Spring Cleaning I am vulnerable to every link I come across leading me down another dark tunnel to a free weekly subscription.
Other Musings Liver Free or Die I object to the narrow use we make of the animals that pay the ultimate sacrifice on the way to our table.
Other Musings Calmly on the Waters Of all the animals we will share property with this summer, we are most attached to the loons. They are the only creature that does not bolt the instant they become aware of our presence.
Other Musings Total Eclipse The memory of projecting light on the shirt cardboard stands out only because it was the same afternoon we were taken to see the play, Peter and the Wolf.
Other Musings Town Meeting It is Town Meeting season, that time of year . . . for throwing a few punches at your neighbor over the cost of building a new school, apportioning land, and repairing roads so . . . people can . . . get to church.
Other Musings Moon Walk I submit our Presidential candidates should be required to spend three nights around a campfire with a view of the sky as part of their spiritual journey to the office.
Other Musings Now We are Nearly to Spring Every year, awakened by the Mourning Dove, I would be glad to stand in that spot for a minute or two.
Other Musings Artificial Intelligence There will still be tasks available to us after AI has it under control. I feel confident about that at the end of a dirt road.
Other Musings Winter Enchantment Imagine a place where the leaf action of a spindly plant at the edge of the woods can take center stage each morning out the kitchen window.
Food About Breakfast I stopped ordering scrambled eggs at restaurants, including good ones, long ago. Invariably— as in, every case, every occasion—scrambled eggs come out overcooked and rubbery, sometimes flecked with specs of brown.
Other Musings Boxing Day You are entitled to your own set of facts when it comes to the origins of Boxing Day because there are none.
Other Musings Power to the People I wonder how far it will be in the future when the notion that we delivered electrical power around the world by stringing wires over hill and dale will seem archaic.