Jarvis Coffin Labor Day Weekend. Already. The steps to our hillside garden are not repaired. The felled wood is not all cut up and stacked. The dock is still waiting to be treated with teak oil.
Jarvis Coffin Independent, Inching Forward Soon you have the sense you are talking about the same things, which is when it hits you . . . you have only inched forward.
Jarvis Coffin Tractor Pull I interview everyone with a tractor and they say the same thing: I love my tractor.
Easter Easter When it comes down to it, nothing unseen fits comfortably into the containers of what is seen. Time is one of those things. And surely you know, Easter is another.
Jarvis Coffin Mozart on Norway Pond Mozart was with us that day, regretting every other invitation from the concert halls of Europe and around the world.
Jarvis Coffin Up Yours As usual, it took a minute when I slipped behind the curtain and unfolded the paper ballot to process all the names in front of me.
Jarvis Coffin Nothing Much Happens If you had to pick one thing to describe rural life, it could easily be that nothing much new ever happens.